JSON merge in PostgreSql

JSON merge in PostgreSql — 12 minute read

PostgreSql is a relational database which adheres to ACID principles - atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability - and supports server-side joins between multiple entities (tables). Interestingly, in addition to this, it also supports a JSON data type natively, and provides a rich set of functions and operators to work with its jsonb type. 1

The support for relational and document database paradigms is a potent combination, as it is feasible to use PostgreSql as a document database - one of the main categories of NoSql databases. A pattern for doing this is to create tables with just two columns:

  • an id column that is the (indexed) primary key for the document, and
  • a body column that is the document, and is of type jsonb

However, operations on such documents can be quite tricky in the context of relational database queries (SQL). One of these is that most operations are upserts (update-insert), and these operations are not very common in relational databases, which subscribe to the CRUD paradigm - create, read, update, delete. Upsert is a two-in-one combination of both create and update operations. I have previously written about upserts in PostgreSql, so check that out for a detailed example.

Modifying a document permalink

Another piece of the puzzle is working out what the updated copy of a document should be.

Say you have a document that looks like this:

const original = {
id: 123,
body: {
title: 'JSON merge in PostgreSql',
stats: {
name: 'Brendan',

… and specify a delta like this:

const delta = {
body: {
author: {
name: 'Brendan Graetz',

… and we wish to change it to become this:

const modified = {
id: 123,
body: {
title: 'JSON merge in PostgreSql',
author: {
name: 'Brendan Graetz',

If you have used a document database before, you might recognise this pattern immediately. For example, in MongoDb, you could accomplish this using collection.update():

db.collection.update({ _id: original.id }, delta, { upsert: true });

When using PostgreSql, in a table with an id primary key column, and a body document column, how would we go about accomplishing the same thing?

Application server 💻 modifies document: ❌ approach permalink

The first approach which comes to mind might be to use your application server to modify the document. The steps might look something like this:

  • Server reads document from database
  • Server modifies the document
  • Server writes the modified document to the database

This would work fine if there was only ever one user using the system at a time, and only one instance of this application server running. However, in reality, no system has the luxury of running under such assumptions. The problems with the above approach include:

  • There are 2 round trips between the server
  • Disk I/O needs to happen twice
  • When multiple operations occur on the same document concurrently, the last one overwrites the first one

Concurrency + race to last write permalink

The first two are somewhat forgivable, as they are potential performance problems. However, the last one means that you have potentially wrong data being written to your database, due to some sort of race condition occurring. This is somewhat similar to the cliched bank transaction processing scenarios. This article goes into greater depth regarding lost update scenarios. A brief summary of this would be:

  • There an account entity that has the following fields: id: 123, balance: 100
  • This particular account happens to receive a credit of 20
    • Database query select balance from user where id= 123; returns 100
    • Application server works out 100 + 20 = 120
    • Database query update user set balance = 120 where id = 123;
  • The same account also receives a debit of 10
    • Database query select balance from user where id= 123; returns 120
    • Application server works out 100 - 10 = 110
    • Database query update user set balance = 110 where id = 123;

This approach works fine, except when both the credit and the debit come through at exactly the same time. If both select statements are executed before either update statement, we have a problem, because tboh select statements would return 100, and thherefore one of the update statements would attempt to set balance to 120 and 90 respectively, neither of which are correct.

There are two ways to solve this problem:

  • Block updates to entity by other instances of application server until done
    • Use this when updates to the entity are complex, and it makes the most sense to do this on the application server.
    • In PostgreSql this can be achieved through row-level locking, serializable transactions, or optimistic locking. Detailed explanation here.
  • Move update logic to the database
    • Use this when updates to the entity are simple, and can be composed out of functions and operators available on the database

An example of moving the update logic to the application server, continuing with the same account balance example above:

  • There an account entity that has the following fields: id: 123, balance: 100
  • This particular account happens to receive a credit of 20
    • Database query update user set balance = balance + 20 where id = 123;
  • The same account also receives a debit of 10
    • Database query update user set balance = balance - 10 where id = 123;

Much cleaner! More importantly, the balance will be correct, even if both statments occur at the same time.

The logic for merging JSON can feasibly be moved to the database, and that is the next approach that we will take a look at. After all, when working with documents, we can still adhere to the same principles that we would for relational data.

Database 💾 modifies document: ✔️ approach permalink

All of the problems identified above are rooted in having the application server perform the modification of the document. Thankfully PostgreSql has a sufficiently full-featured set of operators that allows one to update JSON documents, plus the ability to define and execute functions on the database itself. Since these functions run within the database, the database manages the context of its execution. Therefore it is able to continue providing its ACID principle guarantees.

In addition to fixing the problems identified earlier, it also has a few other benefits:

  • More efficient by being compiled ahead of time
  • As functions are defined in a central place, this lessens the chance of errors stemming from varied statements in different parts of the application server.

Next, we shall take a look at defining such a function that is used to deep merge one JSON document into another.

Recursive merge permalink

We start by defining a PostgreSql function. It is named jsonb_merge_recurse, and takes in two parameters. Both of the parameters are of type jsonb, where the left one is the original document, and the right one is the delta document, and its return value is the modified document.

We set the language to sql, as it is possible to do do this purely using PostgreSql JSON functions. We have the option of using a user-defined procedural language - for example, Javascript via PLv8 - if we wanted to, however, that is an exercise for another time!

create or replace function jsonb_merge_recurse(orig jsonb, delta jsonb)
returns jsonb language sql as $$
/* ... */

Between the pair of $$ delimiting the start and end of the function - as we are using the sql language - we use a select statement. The result obtained from this select statement will be the return value of this function. The from and full join clauses of the select statement here have the effect of iterating through the outermost level of keys of the JSON object, and joining on them when these keys are the same - on keyOrig = keyDelta. The values corresponding to these keys are extracted as well - jsonb_each().

/* ... */
from jsonb_each(orig) e1(keyOrig, valOrig)
full join jsonb_each(delta) e2(keyDelta, valDelta) on keyOrig = keyDelta

Next, we use the following functions:

  • coalesce() returns the first of its arguments that is not null, or null when all arguments are null.
  • jsonb_object_agg() aggregates key-value pairs as a JSON object

Here coalesce() is used to use keyOrig when present, otherwise keyDelta is used, and then jsonb_object_agg is used to create a jsonb object whose key is either keyOrig or keyDelta (as obtained from coalesce()), and whose value comes from the result of the case statement.

Since this function needs to employ recursion, we will also define the recursive case. This will occur when both values are themselves objects, and therefore we need to drill down one level deeper.

coalesce(keyOrig, keyDelta),
/* ... */
else jsonb_merge_recurse(valOrig, valDelta)

Next, we have the non-recursive cases. When either value is null, we use the other one. Otherwise, when either value is not an object, we use the delta value - as the intent is for the original values to be overridden by the delta values.

when valOrig isnull then valDelta
when valDelta isnull then valOrig
when (jsonb_typeof(valOrig) <> 'object' or jsonb_typeof(valDelta) <> 'object') then valDelta

The case statement can be summarised with the following table:

valOrig is nullnullprimitive or objectvalDelta
valDelta is nullprimitive or objectnullvalOrig
either valOrig or valDelta are primitivesprimitive or objectprimitive or objectvalDelta
both valOrig and valDelta are objectsobjectobject(recur)

Assembling the above snippets together, we have the full function:

create or replace function jsonb_merge_recurse(orig jsonb, delta jsonb)
returns jsonb language sql as $$
coalesce(keyOrig, keyDelta),
when valOrig isnull then valDelta
when valDelta isnull then valOrig
when (jsonb_typeof(valOrig) <> 'object' or jsonb_typeof(valDelta) <> 'object') then valDelta
else jsonb_merge_recurse(valOrig, valDelta)
from jsonb_each(orig) e1(keyOrig, valOrig)
full join jsonb_each(delta) e2(keyDelta, valDelta) on keyOrig = keyDelta

Limitations permalink

Note that this will allow deep merging of any object into any other object, so long as we treat arrays as primitives. Of course, in some cases, we would want to do some special things with arrays. For example if the first value is an array, and the second is a primitive, we could append the primitive to the end of the array. However these cases can be quite varied, and these use cases would be better suited to having separate functions specific to array manipulation.

Thanks permalink

Thanks to Andrew and Mitch for their helpful pointers and feedback on earlier drafts of this post.

Footnotes permalink


5 PostgreSql actually has two different data types that can be used to represent JSON: json and jsonb. These are “almost identical”, however, one should use jsonb by default, and only use json for legacy reasons. Practically, jsonb is much more efficient as it is stored on disk in binary format, whereas json is stored in plain text format. The code in this article has only been tested against jsonb, and may not work with json - Let me know if you happen to try this out, I would be interested in the results!